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Tuesday, January 12th, 2021

The ‘War On Terror’ Comes Home

Ron Paul

Insurrection Versus Insurrection

James Howard Kunstler

When Protestirs Took Over Federal Buildings

A little thing called history. Jon Rappoport

Enough! There Was No Riot, Insurrection or ‘Storming!’

Mike Ford

The 2001 Anthrax Deceptions and Those Being Perpetuated Today

Edward Curtin

Statist Heretics: Not One Step Back

Mike Holmes

The Underclass

Bionic Mosquito

Is America’s Future a Civil War?

Will it become a world war? Paul Craig Roberts

What Will People Do For Food When Much of Europe And North America Is Too Cold To Farm?

Joseph Kraig

Study: Short Break From Cosmetics Causes ‘Significant Drop of Hormone Disrupting Chemicals’

Alanna Ketler

Civil War 2.0?

Larry L. Beane

Assange Saga: Real Journalism Is Criminally Insane

Pepe Escobar

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