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Wall Street Banks Freeze Political Donations After Capitol Hill Rally, Threaten Pro-Trump Politicians with Blacklisting
They have been doing this for years. JP Morgan Chase refused to handle AFDI's bank business years ago. Did you really think it would end with us?

Communist America. Further proof the election was stolen. America did not vote for this.

Quick ...

New York State Bar Association May Remove “America’s Mayor” Rudy Giuliani After Capitol Rally
There is a madness afoot. We know where this evil lust for power leads.

G-d save the Republic.Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us ...

Beijing Biden urges Republicans to Betray Party and Be a Traitorous POS Like Mitt Romney
Of course Joe Biden wants the Republicans to emulate Mitt Romney. That would mean the Republican Party would never win a national election. Ever. Mitt Romney is perhaps the most pathetic human being in America. How did this man accumulate such ...

I wrote the 1984 follow-up, it’s called “2021”
A young woman wrote to me: “I was born in 1984 and I am in 1984. She is right, we are back in the world of George Orwell. So I wrote the sequel to 1984: 2021.

The Biden administration’s Department of Justice has tasked the FBI to assess ...

Fascist Rule: Democrat “Domestic Terrorism” Bill Criminalizes Political Opposition
“One wonders how long it would take for a domestic terrorism law to be weaponized political dissidents and minorities.” (Election Wiz)

This is scary. It's why President Trump has to do the insurrection or act on the EO of 2018 even if it ...

Democrat Insurrectionists Introduce ‘Incitement of Insurrection’ Impeachment Charge
The Democrat criminal syndicate couldn't get help to the American people but this insane power seizure – this coup – they pulled off in no less than a day.

They killed our jobs, our cities, our families, our lives – and now our country. ...

Check out my latest over at The American Thinker. Share as best you can. Send it to your email lists. Try to stay ahead of the Democrat-Nazi suppressors.

Will denial be criminalized under the new “domestic terrorism” laws?

Quick note: ...

PGA to Strip Trump Bedminster of 2022 PGA Championship
They learned nothing from the crash of other sports enterprises who committed the same suicide.

Related: NBA Christmas Day Ratings Tank ‘Massively’

As NFL Ratings Crash, Networks Consider Giving Ad Space Away For Free

Quick note: ...

Top Tech Foundation: Deplatforming Not Enough, Entire Internet Needs to Change After Capitol Incursion
You didn't think it would end with bannings, did you? It was just the beginning…..

More's the pity, I have used Firefox for well over a decade. That's over.

Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, ...

Two Seattle Cops Are Under Investigation, Suspended After Attending Capitol Rally
The purge is worse than we imagine.

They're coming for you, for me, for all of us.

There is no Constitution. They disappeared it.

Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have ...

Twitter Stock CRASHES After Trump Ban; Parler Site Taken Offline
Twitter lost four billion dollars today.

This is the poison fruit of the cracked, Nazi-inspired actions of the Democrats-media-syndicate.

Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have ...

Antifa in Riot Gear, BLM March in NYC, Female Journalist Attacked
Media blackout on fascist march. This is revolution – not grandma on the mall.

Antifa is the Democrat criminal syndicate's military wing – the Blackshirts (much like the Nazi Brownshirts).

This is revolution – not grandma on the mall. ...

Elon Musk Blames Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg For Capitol Riot
The domino effect is so clever… and he's right about how social media polarized us (and ruined a generation) “a website to rate women on campus.” Brilliant.

Disregard the liberal bias of the mentally bent authors.

Quick note: Tech ...

Americans Paid To Create The Internet; They Demand Freedom of Speech On It
Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Subscribe to Geller Report — ...

Secretary of State Pompeo Stands by Trump: ‘I’m Proud of What We Accomplished … History Will Remember Us Very Well’
One of the best decisions that President Trump made was putting Mike Pompeo in charge of the State Department. Secretary Pompeo has been an extraordinary Secretary of State. And unlike many in the Republican Party establishment, Pompeo is fiercely ...

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