Special Alert

The 87th Texas Legislative Session begins tomorrow - Tuesday, January 12! Our team will be on the ground in the Texas Capitol all 140 days of the session (and any special sessions) working to defend religious freedom, marriage & family, and life.

This will include working to ensure churches are forever protected as essential, the preborn are protected from abortion - including from their very first heartbeat, children are protected from harmful gender modification, and defeating “Ban the Bible” bills that would criminalize and penalize people of faith.

But to advance Christian values, it is important for you and your family, friends, and church to stay engaged with us to get up-to-date information from our daily presence at the Texas Capitol. 

Below are some important ways to stay engaged with us and important opening day Covid-19 rules:

  • Under the leadership and guidance of our President Jonathan Saenz, our Policy Team includes Policy Director Jonathan Covey, Policy Advisor Mary Elizabeth Castle, and our newest team member, Policy Associate Greg McCarthy. You can connect with our policy team at [email protected].

  • It is critically important during the legislative session and in light of growing social media censorship to stay connected to us via our email updates. To keep updated on important news impacting faith, family and freedom in Texas, including our legislative action alerts, make sure to invite your family and friends to subscribe to our email alerts by visiting our website here.  

  • You can also signup to get our text alerts by texting "txvalues" to 797979.

  • Encourage your pastor and church to join our new Texas Church Ambassador Network. The mission of the Church Ambassador Network is to build a relationship between the shepherds of God’s Church and God’s government as portrayed in the Scriptures. You can lean more and signup at txvalues.org/church

  • Our policy team has put together a helpful resource explaining the opening day Covid-19 regulations for the House, Senate, and main portion of the Capitol building. Read here.

Texas has the opportunity to hold and advance the line for Christian values in the 2021 Legislative Session, and our team stands ready to lead. Please join us in prayer for our state, our elected leaders, and our policy team as the Texas Legislative Session begins tomorrow.

Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2020 Texas Values, All rights reserved.


Texas Values
900 Congress Ave.
Suite L115
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 478-2220