Due to the deplatforming of the president, his supporters flocked to the smaller site, Parler, which was then shut down, it looks like. But I've been hearing all week that they are planning something big at the inauguration on January 20. I watched a video, last night, that looks high quality/professional made that said things like "We've been speaking up, now it's time for action", "You've been along for the journey. Nothing will ever be the same", "Be there. 01-20-2021".
Whether you view the events of January 6 as an insurrection or a protest gone bad, I am concerned that we should be expecting even worse on January 20. These protesters/insurrectionists were never going to succeed in taking over the government, but that doesn't mean that this was all they got, either. We KNOW it isn't.
Our government is, without a doubt a rogue government, a failed government, filled with people completely out of touch with the struggles of its constituents and working directly against the will of the people in many cases. I worry about the people it has caused to suffer, and I worry that the suffering will only get worse.

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