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As we continue to work for justice, following Jesus into the unknown: Nourish your spiritual life. Grow in community. Ground yourself in God.

Join us for Spiritual Formation in Today’s World, a new online offering from The Academy for Spiritual Formation, for all whose souls are weary and in need of rest and renewal.

Incorporating the elements of community, wisdom teaching, worship, and stillness, the four, three-day online sessions will follow a modified Benedictine Daily Office, as well as invite participants into communal formation with the same cohort throughout the year. Each session will cover topics of longing, healing, reconciling, and justice-seeking, led by experts in the field of spiritual formation—Amy Oden, Safiyah Fosua, Ray Buckley, and Luther Smith—and include handles for creating sacred space at home, as well as tools for healthy, embodied ways to learn online.  

Space is limited. Reserve your spot for Spiritual Formation in Today’s World today.


The Academy for Spiritual Formation is an ecumenical movement that creates transformative space (online and in-person) for people to connect with God, self, others, and creation for the sake of the world. Learn more at