

The Jewish Policy Center Proudly Presents:

Latin America: Our Southern Neighbor


Our Winter 2021 issue features:

“The Hemisphere of Freedom”
An interview with Ambassador Michael G. Kozak

A “Big Idea” for Latin America - Craig Deare
Avoiding Latin America’s Currency Disasters - Steve H. Hanke
Latin America and Israel, More than Friends - Mark Klugmann
Interdicting Drug Movement by the U.S. Military - Capt. Timothy Brown, Cdr. Don Terkanian and Lt. Pete Harrington
Hezbollah: Narco-Terror and Crime in Latin America - Emanuele Ottolenghi
The Jews of Central and South America - Daniel S. Mariaschin
Neighbor at Risk: Mexico’s Deepening Crisis - R. Evan Ellis
Five Flaws in the USMCA - Jeffrey J. Schott
The ‘Protection Racket’: Gangs & Violence in San Salvador - Alex Papadovassilakis and Steven Dudley
Nicaragua in Hell - Jay Nordlinger and Eric Rozenman 

Shoshana Bryen Reviews Supreme Disorder, by Ilya Shapiro

JPC Executive Director Matthew Brooks says, "Our southern neighbors run the gamut from friends and security partners to adversaries. The Winter 2021 issue of inFOCUS examines these relations but also trends within Latin America that affect the rest of the world."

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