Twin Ports DSA Members and Associates:

We have a lot going on this week! Participate where you can.
  • Monday (tonight) at 6 pm, Racial Justice Working Group. Continuing work on the Cahoots style 911 system. Email Lydia Goustin at [email protected] if you would like the zoom link. 
  • Wednesday at 5 pm, Ecosocialist Working Group. They will be focusing on Line 3. Register for this meeting and get the zoom link here
  • Wednesday at 7 pm. Housing Justice Working Group. Continuing work on helping AIM build Yurts and more.  Register for this meeting here. 
  • Thursday at 7 pm. Chapter Check-in. This is our casual get-together, and good place to discuss current events and other things. Register here. 

In addition to these meetings, we have a Steering Committee meeting next Sunday at 2 pm, and our Annual Meeting (general membership) is the following Sunday, January 24th, at 4 pm. Now is the time to consider joining the steering committee!

As mentioned above, the Housing Justice Working Group is trying to help the local AIM group with its efforts to build yurts for the homeless. Specifically, they are looking for a good space to build, preferably with room to spread out materials and to work over the winter. Heated would be a huge plus. They have tools, materials, and the knowhow. If you know of a place that would work for them, or have one, please let us know. 

In solidarity,
John Krumm
TPDSA Secretary
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