Dear Friends, Today, 19 years after its opening, 40 men remain imprisoned in the detention center at Guantanamo Bay. Guantanamo is an abhorrent symbol of torture, not to mention a waste of money at an operating cost of more than $500 million dollars a year. Tell Congress: Close Guantanamo President-elect Biden and many in the new Congress support closing the prison at Guantanamo. Write to your Members of Congress and ask them to support legislation to close Guantanamo. We also invite you to join us in prayer today as the faith community and human rights advocates around the world once again come together to call for closing this international stain on democracy. For more information on steps that can be taken by the new Administration to close Guantanamo, see this Just Security blog post that NRCAT co-authored. Also, our partners at Amnesty just released a new report, "USA: Right the Wrong - Decision Time on Guantanamo." Sincerely, Matt Hawthorne Policy Director National Religious Campaign Against Torture PS - You are invited to join one of these online events today, January 11th: |