PBS Newshour recently presented a segment on Venezuela that had more than one error per minute. Join us in demanding that PBS provide accurate and balanced coverage of Venezuela!

Dear John,

Did you catch the recent segment on PBS NewsHour about elections in Venezuela? In seven and a half minutes, they misrepresented or distorted the truth at least twelve times! They failed to include even a single quote from someone who voted, observed or ran in the elections.

Biased media coverage is an integral part of the ongoing hybrid war against Venezuela. We deserve better from a media institution that claims to represent the public, but instead repeats narratives that sound like they were cooked up by Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo and Marco Rubio.

Join us in demanding that PBS NewsHour provide balance in its coverage of Venezuela! 

PBS’s coverage of the elections ignored the fact that they were considered to be free and fair by over 200 international observers, including a CODEPINK delegation. Teri Mattson, who led our delegation, said that “voting is easy, fast and secure… the system is free from fraud and tampering.” The NewsHour segment implied that the opposition boycotted the election, but in fact, only the faction led by self-proclaimed, interim “president” Juan Guaídó abstained. Thousands of opposition candidates from 97 parties took part in elections. On the day before the election, the CODEPINK observers met with leaders of five major opposition parties, all of whom agreed that Venezuela’s elections are free, fair and devoid of systematic fraud. Their voices, as well as those of the millions of Venezuelans who voted, were missing from the segment. 

We’re so bombarded with biased news about Venezuela that it can be overwhelming. It’s rare that major outlets like The Washington Post or The New York Times will ever publish a retraction or response to their coverage (my colleague Michelle Ellner recently had a great letter to the editor rejected by the NYT.) PBS, however, is supposed to belong and respond to the people. We’ll put that reputation to the test when we deliver our petition to the PBS NewsHour team as well as the PBS public editor. 

Click here to sign the petition demanding balanced coverage of Venezuela and don’t forget to share it with your friends!

Two of us on the Latin America team (Michelle and Leonardo) are from Venezuela and have family members there who are suffering from Trump’s deadly sanctions and aggression. So this is personal to us. The incoming Biden administration might have a less cruel policy, but the goal of regime change will remain the same. We hope you’ll continue to help us push the incoming Biden administration to lift the sanctions and begin the process of dialogue to create peace between the U.S. and Venezuela. 

In solidarity 
Leonardo, Michelle, Teri and Medea

P.S. Our CODEPINK store still has these amazing pink Guayabera shirts made by a Cuban women's cooperative in stock. You can still grab your own as an act of challenging the remaining restrictions on trade with Cuba!

Also, CODEPINK is working with the Colombia Human Rights Committee, Friends of Latin America and Task Force on the Americas to bring you a series of four special WTF webinars on Human Rights in Colombia. Watch the first episode here.


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