Hey John -
2021 has just begun and it already feels like we've been tossed in the deep end. The attack on the US Capitol and subsequent fallout revealed once again that there is still much to be done, we as a nation are divided, and that these issues are not new and will not go away quickly or easily. We must continue to dismantle racism, facism, and white supremacy in all their forms. We must strive to protect our most vulnerable and marginalized communities and further equality and justice for all.
As Inauguration Day approaches, we encourage you all to remain vigilant and safe. Stay home if you can and join us January 20th for a virtual event to celebrate a step forward in a positive direction with the inauguration of President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris. Earlier that week, make sure to participate in VAYD’s Annual Lobby Day on MLK Day of Action to make sure progressive action is a top priority in the 2021 Virginia legislative session.
Check out how you can get involved in our upcoming events below:

Join AYD and Arlington Dems for a virtual celebration this Inauguration Day, Wednesday, January 20th at 7pm via Zoom!
The day we have worked so hard for is finally here and although we can't meet in person, we can still enjoy the inauguration of President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris through virtual festivities together. We'll have guest speakers and several virtual activities via Zoom, including a comedy show, mixology class, game room, and family friendly trivia. More details to come!
Questions? Email AYD Party Rep Michael Hemminger at [email protected].

Join us Tuesday, January 26th at 7pm via Zoom for our first general body meeting of 2021!
For the first half of the meeting, we will be joined by lieutenant governor primary candidates, Xavier Warren and Sean Perryman, along with gubernatorial primary candidate Senator Jennifer McClellan. For the second half of the meeting, we will have breakout rooms to organize caucuses for 2021.
We currently have seven caucuses that you can join (and you can join more than one!) Come learn more about our issue based caucuses and how you can become a caucus chair.
- Arts, Culture, & Entertainment
- Civil Rights & Liberties
- Commerce, Labor, Tech, & Finance
- Immigration & Justice
- Infrastructure & Development
- Health, Education, & Environment
- Veterans & Foreign Affairs
Questions? Email AYD President Matt Royer at [email protected].

Mark your calendar for VAYD's first VIRTUAL Lobby Day on Monday, January 18th from 8am-7pm. This day will be filled with virtual meetings with legislators, special guests, a special topic panel, and a reception. The schedule of events is as follows:
8:00 - 9:30 a.m. Virtual Welcome Session with Special Guest and Lobbying Overview
9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Lobbying Shift #1
Noon - 12:45 p.m. Observation of the Senate/House Sessions
1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Lunch & Learn
2:30 - 4:30 p.m. Lobbying Shift #2
5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Virtual Reception with Special Guest and Panel
ALL attendees are expected to register in advance. You can register for VAYD's Lobby Day here. You can review 2021 legislation by topic on Richmond Sunlight here: https://richmondsunlight.com/bills/topic/ or at https://lis.virginia.gov.
Check back often as more bills are introduced!
Questions? Comments? Contact VAYD Political Director Denver Supinger at [email protected].

Never lobbied? Want to freshen up your skills? Then join VAYD on either January 11th, 14th, or 17th for their lobbying workshops to polish your skills and become the best advocate you can be. This training will teach our VAYD advocates the inner workings of the Virginia General Assembly and how it operates in and out of legislative sessions. Once a standard of understanding is set, participants will be provided the skills and insights to be effective lobbyists and advocates. We look forward to seeing you at this training as we prepare for our first virtual VAYD Lobby Day on January 18th!

Volunteer Arlington's 4th Annual MLK day of Service will predominantly be a virtual event this year.
Volunteers are encouraged to register early as many opportunities fill quickly. Browse the list of Service Projects, Volunteer Training, and Advocacy Panels, learn the details of what is expected, and register for your day of service TODAY!