Historically in America, our churches and pastors have played a significant role in shaping our government. Is that a thing of the past? Does it have to be over? How can we engage our churches and enlist the help of the staff? Where do we cross the line, or where do our expectations exceed reality? What should our expectations be? How can we partner with the church to achieve common goals? Is there a way to share our message without being off-putting? Are churches slaves to the Johnson Amendment and rendered ineffective? We’ve got a panel of pastors that will encourage you, advise you, and answer your questions. What do YOU want to know? Each pastor was specifically chosen for what he has to offer. Rick Scarborough led his church in taking over his local school board! Rafael Cruz (father of Ted Cruz) has the responsibility that goes with having a national platform, and he uses it boldly. Doug Page is a local pastor navigating the everyday balancing act between politics and religion in a diverse congregation. We hope you will join us as these three leaders share from their wisdom and life experience!
True Texas Project
Speaker: Pastors Panel
Featuring: Pastors Rick Scarborough, Rafael Cruz, and Doug Page
Monday, Jan 11
The Chapel Assembly of God Church
4101 Golden Triangle Blvd, Keller
5:30-6:00pm – prayer meeting (open to all)
5:45 – $5 pizza begins (while supplies last)
6:30-8:00pm – meeting
All patriots are welcome. Come as you are!
Masks not required.
No dues. No fees. No memberships. No RSVPs.
Coming in late? No worries. We’ll save you a seat.
Need childcare? It’s free. Sign up 48 hours
in advance by emailing [email protected].
About Dr. Rick Scarborough:
Dr. Rick Scarborough has worked with pastors and politicians since resigning First Baptist Church, Pearland in 2002, including conducting in depth Bibles studies with members of Congress and other governmental leaders in Washington DC, commuting regularly from his home in Nacogdoches, Texas. He is also the founder of Vision America and Vision America Action.
He is an ordained Southern Baptist Minister and served as the senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Pearland, TX. from 1990 to 2002. During his time as senior pastor, he encouraged his congregation to live their faith and consider running for public office. The church was known as a soul winning church, baptizing over 2000 new converts and relocating to state-of-the-art facilities during that time. Eventually, his church members occupied most of the seats on the city council and local school board. Three church members later served with distinction in the Texas State Legislature, one of whom is now in the U.S. Congress, Congressman Randy Weber, who regularly hosted Bible studies for Dr. Scarborough in his office.
Dr. Scarborough is the author of four books, including the best-selling Enough is Enough (2008) and Mighty Men Stay on Track (2016). He has also written numerous booklets and pamphlets. He has written published articles and appeared on live broadcast media and radio, speaking about the need for pastors to engage the culture.
Dr. Scarborough received a B.S. from Houston Baptist University, M.Div. from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a D. Min. from Louisiana Baptist Theological Seminary, with additional studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Tommye, have three children, one of whom is in Heaven and four grandchildren.
On June 30th Dr. Scarborough stepped down from leading Bible Studies in DC to devote full time to encouraging Pastors to engage the culture with Biblical truth, believing that Pastors alone can save America from moral disintegration. He will be traveling and speaking to thousands of Pastors in Texas and other battleground states between now and Election Day, 2020, calling on pastors to set aside labels and stand on Biblical truth, calling their people to vote their values on Election Day. He has formed a new non-profit organization to facilitate his mission which he named Recover America NOW! On October 1 he conducted his first Pastors Roundtable in Houston, Texas, featuring Retired Army General Jerry Boykin, former Commander of America’s Special Forces and Deputy Undersecretary of Defense under President G.W. Bush, with more than 125 pastors and leaders attending. He is planning more than 50 such events during 2020.
In addition to Recover America Now, in January of 2020 he began traveling and speaking all over the country representing The Jonathan Project, a National Christian Voter Registration Ministry, as their National Pastor Advisor, and conducting Pastor Round Tables, as he has done for more than 20 years.
About Doug Page:
Doug earned a BBA from The University of Houston and Masters of Divinity with Biblical Languages from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, TX. He has over 25 years of ministry experience at churches in Texas and South Carolina. He holds God’s Word as the ultimate authority in all matters of life and enjoys using visuals and props while teaching.
About Rafael Cruz:
Rafael Cruz is a Cuban-American Protestant preacher, public speaker, and father of Texas U.S. Senator and 2016 presidential candidate Ted Cruz. He is described by various media outlets, including The Wall Street Journal, as an acting surrogate in his son’s political campaigns.