Thank you - Traditional Britain Group
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Thank you!

Dear John

Thank you for showing your support for The Traditional Britain Group.

We have added you to our enewsletter list where you will receive updates about upcoming meetings, our latest blog posts and new journal releases. 

This is an automated acknowledgement. You will be receiving this because you have either signed up to our enewsletter via our website, purchased a ticket to an event or joined the Traditional Britain Group as a member.

If you have bought an event ticket you will receive further venue details the day before the event via the email you used to buy the ticket. You can find the latest information about upcoming events here.

There are various ways you can support the Traditional Britain Group further including:

- Joining and organising local groups and events
- Contributing directly to the website blog (sign up here)
- Donating to a project fund
- Becoming a member if you have not already done so

The Traditional Britain Group's success, locally and nationally, is down purely to the generosity and commitment of volunteers.

Please also consider following us on Facebook and Twitter. Our Facebook Page is extremely active, and one of the best ways of getting involved and keeping up to date. 

Yours sincerely,

Traditional Britain Group Committee

BCM Box 9045, WC1N 3XX London, United Kingdom
Contact us at:

[email protected]
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