Weekend Edition, January 9-10, 2021

The Truth About January 6–and Where We Should Go From Here

Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Thoughts on a ‘Right-Wing Insurrection’

Karen Kwiatkowski

Finding Light in the Face of Extreme Darkness

Gary D. Barnett

‘The Storming of the Capitol’: America’s Reichstag Fire?

The four big lies underpinning this story show it was likely a staged event. Kit Knightly

Face Masks, Lockdowns, & Would-Be Rulers: The Great Reset Comes Every Sunday

Allan Stevo

Ashamed of What?

Paul Gottfried

False Flag at the Capitol: It’s All About the Effects and After-Shocks

Jon Rappoport

Fog and Noise

James Howard Kunstler

It’s Been Morphed into a ‘Democracy,’ So What Else Would You Expect?

L. Reichard White

It Won’t Last Forever

Bionic Mosquito

America’s Color Revolution

Pandering to the Establishment Now Ubiquitous. Paul Craig Roberts

Meet the Central Operative in the ‘Color Revolution’ Against President Trump

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