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ABC News Calls for ‘Cleansing’ of Trump Supporters in Terrifying Piece
Desperate franticness. Why?

ABC News Calls for 'Cleansing' of Trump Supporters in Wake of Capitol Incursion

As part of the Democratic Party, establishment media and Washington swamp campaign to tear down the legacy of President Donald Trump ...

Twitter Allows “Hang Mike Pence” to Trend While Banning President Trump for Inciting Violence
The violent calling their victims the aggressors. Germans did the same thing to the Jews. And Stalin and Mao ….

Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in ...

TRAITOR: Haley tells GOP not to ‘shy away’ from Trump-era gains, but calls his recent conduct ‘deeply disappointing’
How disappointing. Nikki Haley was perhaps the best American ambassador to the United Nations that we have ever seen. Right up there with Jeane Kirkpatrick. However, Haley has not supported President Trump in his calls for election integrity. And ...

Power-Mad Democrats Join CNN In Lobbying To Push Fox News Off Air
You didn't think it would end with banning cartoons. Once you successfully ban free speech, it's over.

hellzapoppihat's interesting is since FOX turned tail and jumped ship, they are nothing more than a CNN wannabe.  CNN is merely removing the ...

President Trump Responds to Twitter’s Permanent Account Suspension
Clever boy caught them unawares

Trump Responds to Twitter’s Permanent Account Suspension

By Mimi Nguyen Ly, The Epoch Times, January 8, 2021:

President Donald Trump responded to Twitter’s move to permanently suspend his account from ...

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It's coming down fast.

President Trump, his son, General Mike Flynn, Sidney Powell, Rush Limbaugh among a great many others have been  banned from Twitter. Hundreds of thousands of followers are being shaved from Conservative accounts. I lost ...


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