This is a quick message.  I have much more to say on what's happened lately, and I feel urgent about sharing it, but it will have to wait because I don't have time at the moment. 

First things first...

Please know that True Texas Project is exploding!  The timing of us launching satellite groups around the state could not have been better.  I am busier than I've ever been in my life, and there is not time to let up. 

I messaged you a couple times last week about what we all need to be doing and all the ways you can help... and I left out one thing.  I was immediately reprimanded for it by our donors.  I never asked you to support us financially.

It's something I am always hesitant to talk about.  Most of what we do is provided to you for free, and we've always had what was required to make it happen.  Plus, I am sensitive to how many times folks have been burned by people and groups trying to get rich off the backs of hard-working conservatives, and I NEVER want to come across that way.  Additionally, you know that Fran and I work for free, but there are still tons of bills to be paid.  Especially as we launch new groups all over Texas, the expenses have increased.  For the first three months, we provide venue, speakers, equipment and advertising for new groups.  That gets expensive. We also had to bring on an employee to help us, and we had to buy better equipment for our livestreams.

Our biggest donor, the one paying our new employee's salary, said if we can prove this new model of expansion works and the new groups can become self-sufficient in 24 months, he will continue to provide money for new groups.

So we have our marching orders.  We must build our donor base.  Think of it as being a missionary.  The more you can financially contribute to True Texas Project, from wherever you are, the more groups we can open. 

This is how we build our army.

Please click here for all the ways to donate!

Thank you!

Julie McCarty
volunteer CEO of True Texas Project

Fran Rhodes
volunteer President of True Texas Project

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