What a week it has been for our country, John.

After a stunning double-victory in Georgia’s senate races, Democrats took control of the U.S. Senate. That means Democrats control both chambers of Congress and paves the way for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to get straight to work for the American people.

Less than 24 hours later, many of us experienced one of the most shocking and upsetting events in our lifetimes. Domestic terrorists, emboldened by Donald Trump and a Republican Party too afraid to stand up for the truth, attacked and desecrated our nation’s Capitol.

Here’s a press roundup from the week showing what Seth had to say about it:

CNN Op-ed: Seth Moulton: This is domestic terrorism

MSNBC with Stephanie Ruhle

CNN with Brianna Keilar

Rep. Seth Moulton Calls for Trump’s Removal from Office

'Blood Is On The President's Hands,' Moulton Says Trump Must Be Accountable For Capitol Riot

Rep. Moulton Has 'No Confidence' In Capitol Police: 'They Were Not Up To The Task At Hand'

Military Officers in Congress Join Call to Invoke 25th Amendment, Remove Trump

We hope you, your family, and loved ones are safe and doing well during this strange and difficult time. Democracy will endure. America will endure. And we’re going to keep fighting for it every single day. Thank you for being on this team.

Team Moulton