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Twitter just permanently banned Trump and Apple threatened to remove Parler if they don’t institute draconian speech policies. The social media giants are now moving in for the kill, determined to gain total control over the public forum and ...

FLASHBACK TRUMP INAUGURATION: Government drops charges against all inauguration protesters
I was there — it was bedlam, a war zone. Democrats were burning the city and beating Trump's supporters.

Fast forward to January 5th and it's a global manhunt.

Equal protection under the law is dead

Government drops charges against ...

WATCH: Capitol Police Open Doors For Protestors, They Stand Aside, Invite Them Inside.
Who told the Capitol police to let them ?

Who gave the KILL order?

Bloody set-up.

When I told you that many people who were at the Capitol on Wednesday thought they were allowed to be there, this is why. As you can see in the video, ...

Chicago Schools Chief: Half of Teachers Pressured by Teachers’ Union Didn’t Show up for Work
Fire them.

Holding children hostage is domestic terrorism.

Chicago Schools Chief: Half of Teachers Pressured by Teachers’ Union Didn’t Show up for Work

Nearly half of the teachers in the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) district ...

Peaceful Protesters at Capitol Hill siege already identified online, FIRED from jobs, report
Patriot persecutions begin. Hunker down. It's about to get very ugly.

Keep stoking, Dem-Coms.

This is a global manhunt. Did you ever see our law enforcement agencies or any of our intel agencies attack, murder or even pursue any of the ...

President Trump WILL NOT Be Attending the Inauguration
To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 8, 2021

Neither will any other American. The CCP will be there though while for their candidate's ...

Bali Bombings’ Muslim Mastermind FREED
It was only 200 dead kuffars after all.

he should should have been hung. Now he is free to build an army …..

Extremist cleric linked to the deadly Bali bombings is freed from prison sparking fresh outrage from survivors and loved ones ...

Beijing Biden Claims U.S. Capitol Protesters Treated ‘Differently’ than Black Lives Matter Protesters
Indeed they were. They were shot at and murdered in cold blood. Whereas law enforcement bent the knee to Antifa and BLM and allowed the wholesale destruction of our cities.

Equality for all under the law is dead.

Related: Kamala Harris ...

The COVID Vaccine Blood Libel Against Israel
Horrible. This vicious blood libel is spreading rapidly. It comes from the Guardian out of the UK. Shame on them.

Top UK Jewish Group Slams Leading Daily (The Observer, a sister paper of The Guardian) for Claim that #Israel Is Denying Covid-19 ...

Israeli and American Submarines Sending a Message to Iran
Israel and the U.S. both decided in mid-December to send similar messages to Iran, showing that they cared enough to send the very best, which meant that only submarines would do. The report on those messages is here.

An Israeli submarine ...


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