Add your name to hold Trump and his co-conspirators accountable.


In the wake of this week's violent attack on the U.S. Capitol — incited by Trump and enabled by his Republican co-conspirators — top Democrats are signaling that a second impeachment effort could be imminent.

How we act now defines who we are as a nation.

Add your name if you agree: Trump's Cabinet should immediately invoke the 25th Amendment and remove him from office. If they fail to act, Congress should be prepared to reconvene and impeach the president — ASAP.


There's no doubt who is responsible for this dangerous attempt to thwart democracy: A failed president and his Republican enablers who refuse to accept the will of millions of Americans.

We can't wait until Joe Biden is sworn in later this month. Trump remains a grave danger to our country every minute he remains in office. He must be removed.

Join Michigan Democrats — and the growing list of bipartisan politicians at every level of government — and demand Trump's removal from office. If enough of us join the call to hold Trump fully accountable right now, our demands will be impossible to ignore.

Thank you for taking action,

Michigan Dems

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Paid for by the Michigan Democratic State Central Committee, 606 Townsend St., Lansing, MI 48933, Not authorized by any federal candidate or candidate committee.
This email was sent by Michigan Dems, Building a Stronger Michigan

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