October Speaker Series With Michael Malice
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** America's Oldest Young Republican Club
A Brexit Party
MEP Alexandra Phillips
Joins us as we welcome MEP Alexandra Phillips to our October Brexit Party and Social!
Date: Wednesday October 2nd
Doors Open: 6:45 PM
Event Start: 7:00 PM
Location: Women's National Republican Club 3 W 51st St
(4th Floor Pratt Lounge)
FREE (Pre-order)
$10 (At the door)
$10 (Pre-purchase)
$15 (At the door)
Enter your registered email address as the promotional code to unlock member tickets.
A cash bar will be available before and during the event.
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** 107th Annual Gala With Erik Prince
Join us for our 107th Annual Gala with Erik Prince.
Program includes an awards ceremony, a State of the Club address, full open bar, and a three-course meal.
Erik Prince is a businessman, former Navy SEAL and founder of Private Military Services company Blackwater. He is currently Managing Partner of Frontier Resource Group a natural resources investment fund.
Date: Thursday November 7th
Doors Open: 6:45 PM
Reception Start: 7:00 PM
Program Start: 8:00 PM
Location: The Yale Club of New York City
(Grand Ballroom)
Price: (Early Bird Prices End October 21st)
$175 (Early Bird, Enter your registered email address as the promotional code to unlock member tickets)
$185 (Regular)
$200 (Early Bird, Enter your registered email address as the promotional code to unlock member tickets)
$225 (Regular)
Get Tickets! ([link removed][UNIQID])
** 107th Annual Gala Flyer
** Michael Malice October Speaker Series
(Price Includes Book For Pre-Purchasers)
Join us as we welcome Author of 'The New Right', Michael Malice as our speaker for October’s Speaker Series. Before the speaker club business will be conducted.
Date: Thursday October 17th
Doors Open: 6:45 PM
Event Start: 7:00 PM
Location: Women's National Republican Club 3 W 51st St.
(3rd Floor Grand Salon)
Price: (Includes a copy of 'The New Right' if you prepurchase)
Members: $20 (Pre-order), $25 (At the door)
Non-members: $25 (Pre-purchase), $30 (At the door)
For free member tickets use your membership email address as the promotional code.
A full cash bar will be available before and during the event.
Following the event please join us at the 2M Pub for discounted food and drinks.
Get Tickets! ([link removed][UNIQID])
** Download Our Event Flyers
** Recent Event Pictures
The New York Young Republican Club would like to thank our loyal membership for the making our packed September one for the history books!
We have had more events this month than ever before and we have yet to see any attrition in terms of our attendance.
247 people attended our September Speaker Series With Buck Sexton and Chadwick Moore and more than 120 attended our last minute reception with RNC Co-Chair Tommy Hicks Jr.
Please find the event photos below and we look forward to see you at future events!
Gavin Wax
The New York Young Republican Club
** Club Finances:
Five Month Review
The New York Young Republican Club is happy to report that in the almost 5 months since this new administration has taken over we have seen the state of the Club’s finances markedly improve.
Prior to this administration, this club relied on the annual gala to fundraise for the entire year. While this model worked to host some events, it severely hampered the ability of the club to bring in big speakers and grow substantially. The club would remain at best, an afterthought.
As many of you know, this club is not financially supported by either the National or State GOP and we rely entirely on our membership to fund all the events and activities that we host. Being a self funding organization has a silver lining though, we are beholden to no one and we can support the candidates and policies important to our generation. We are not forced to stand behind candidates or organizations that do not share our values.
The new vision for the Club that we laid out in April is one of growth, where we would increase the number of events and quality of speakers. This has proven to be a success as we have increased our membership from 180 to over 350. Furthermore we have been able to increase the Club’s capital base by almost 33%. On April 30th the Club had $31,151.05 on hand. As of September 17th the Club has $41,415.03 on hand, a net increase of $10,263.98.
What make these numbers even more noteworthy is the fact that we had major expenses over these past few months, including a $5,000 deposit to rent the Grand Ballroom at the Yale Club for our 107th Annual Dinner.
We will continue to provide regular reports on the state of the Club’s finances in the interest of transparency and we will also continue to strive for financial prudence.
Gavin Wax
The New York Young Republican Club
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