Governor Newsom announces budget proposal with record education funding
To cap a tumultuous week, today Governor Newsom announced his state budget proposal for the coming year. Despite a struggling economy, and high unemployment, the top line budget numbers are hopeful for public education: a record $85.8 billion for K-14 schools, along with additional funding for teacher recruitment and training, and special education, among other programs. Additionally, the Governor estimates that there will be an additional $6.7 billion from the federal government for K-12 as part of the most recent stimulus package.
While we are heartened by the fact that our schools won’t be facing steep cuts in the coming year, our schools are facing long term deficits, and CFT will continue to advocate for a budget that raises more resources for our schools – not just to address the damage done by the COVID-19 pandemic, but to create a school system that meets the needs of all students, with a focus on addressing the needs or our most vulnerable students.
Today Governor Newsom also provided more details on his ‘California’s Safe Schools for All Plan’. The plan would offer $2 billion in funding to California school districts who submit a completed COVID-19 safety plan by February 1, that includes offering in-person instruction starting February 16 to all TK-2 students, students with disabilities, foster students, homeless students, and other students without internet access. Districts that receive the additional funding would need to offer in-person instruction for all TK-2nd grade students, and can provide additional plans for TK-6th grade reopening in March.
While CFT is supportive of additional funding to assist districts to have schools in-person, we do have some fundamental concerns about the plan that we have expressed to the Governor’s office.
First, the entire conversation about in-person education is premature. With the continued surge in cases, the rapid spread of the new, more communicable strain of the virus, and our over-strained hospitals, it may be weeks if not months until it is safe to be in-person. Just this week Governor Newsom called it “A surge on top of a surge.”
Second, the funding comes out of Prop. 98. We believe these funds should be in addition to our Prop. 98 funds.
Third, there are serious equity concerns about the plan. We all know that the COVID-19 pandemic has hit low-income communities and communities of color the hardest. It is very likely that infection rates in district’s in these communities will far exceed the threshold set by the Governor, while school districts in wealthier communities will be able to resume in-person instruction sooner.
And finally, we fundamentally believe that any in-person plan must include the vaccination of all teachers and school workers. While the state released some proposed guidance that teachers and school workers will be next in line to receive the vaccine, the issue of vaccines is largely absent from any of the Governor’s current plans.
Watch CFT President Jeff Freitas's latest Up Front broadcast
Today, CFT President Jeff Freitas resumed his weekly Up Front broadcast. On today’s broadcast he discussed the major news from the week – including the insurrection in Washington, D.C., the resignation of Betsy DeVos, and first impressions of Governor Newsom’s budget proposal that was released today, which included details on the governor’s in-person education plan.
Watch on CFT’s Facebook page or on CFT’s YouTube page.
Vaccine town hall for AFT members – Tuesday, January 12 at 3:00 p.m.
Next Tuesday, January 12, at 3:00 p.m. Pacific time, the AFT will co-host a town hall on the new COVID-19 vaccines, along with the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, the National Education Association and the Service Employees International Union. Health experts will answer questions from union members. Please be sure to register and share the registration link.
Register here.
Register by January 11 to request your ballot to vote for your fellow CFT members in the CA Democratic party delegate elections
The election for delegates to the California Democratic Party – called Assembly District Election Meetings or ADEMs — will take place this month.
All CFT members who are registered Democrats are encouraged to request your ballot online by January 11 to vote in the upcoming ADEM Democratic Party elections. Once you receive your ballot, we encourage you to vote for your fellow CFT members who are running for an ADEM delegate position. See the list of CFT members who are running here.