

What we saw on Wednesday was not a protest -- it was an insurrection. Our nation's tensions have been bubbling to this for four long years, and Wednesday, they finally boiled over.

Americans need to know that this was not confined to just the capital of our nation -- credible threats to the health and safety of our public servants have been happening for months. In Fulton County, Georgia, officials had to stop counting votes and leave for safety reasons. In Michigan, a group of Trump supporters were thwarted in their attempts to kidnap the governor. And right here in Washington, an angry mob forced their way into the grounds of the Governor's Residence and threatened journalists at our state Capitol.

Every day Trump stays in office puts the American people in very real danger. That's why I've joined Senator Patty Murray and six members of the Washington state congressional delegation to call for Donald Trump's removal from office by any legal means necessary. It is clear that he is unfit for office and could easily put our democracy at risk again before Joe Biden's January 20th inauguration. We cannot afford to wait.

I spoke about my reactions and emotions in light of Wednesday's events in a video message -- I'd love it if you could watch, share, and spread the message that we must seek common ground even in the most difficult of times, including right now.

I'm reminded of President Lincoln's words during another moment of national tension in American history:

"Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battle-field, and patriot grave, to every living heart and hearthstone, all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature."

Be well and stay safe -- despite Wednesday's violence, I still believe brighter days are ahead of us.

Very truly yours,



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