From Pippi cow for Farm Sanctuary's Giving Day <[email protected]>
Subject My story
Date September 25, 2019 1:07 PM
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I wouldn't be alive without friends like you. Please help more farm animals get the care we need to survive by making Farm Sanctuary's Giving Day a success.

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I never thought I'd be given a name.

You see, most cows on dairy farms only get numbers on an ear tag, not names. And we are valued only for the babies we can grow in our bellies, the milk we can produce, and the money that can be made off of our bodies.

That's why I consider myself so lucky. Thanks to my kind rescuer, Farm Sanctuary, and compassionate friends like you, I have a name now. I am Pippi cow.

Here at Farm Sanctuary, I am not a nameless commodity. Here, I am not just something-I am someone, and I get all of the love and lifesaving care I need every day.

You see, I have a ventricular septal defect. That's a fancy way of saying that I have a hole in the wall that separates the chambers of my heart. It doesn't hurt, but it does mean that I need
special care to keep me alive. Care I was never going to receive on the dairy farm I came from.

Thankfully, I had a friend watching out for me. A kind neighbor saw how sick and weak I was and feared I would not make it. So, she encouraged the dairy to let me go to Farm Sanctuary in order to get the care I needed.

And that's how I came to be a part of the Farm Sanctuary family. My caregivers lovingly took the tags out of my ears, provided me with the medical care needed to help heal my broken heart, and now keep a watchful eye on me as I graze our green pastures and play with my best friend Forrest, another rescued calf.

I would not be alive without friends like you. You have already done so much, but I hope you won't mind me asking you to do one more thing.

October 2 is World Farm Animals Day. It is also Farm Sanctuary's annual Giving Day. But you don't have to wait until October 2 to make a difference!

Please come to the rescue of more farm animals like me by joining Farm Sanctuary with a special Giving Day donation today.

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Farm Sanctuary has set a Giving Day goal of raising the funds needed to provide 200,000 meals for all of the animals lucky enough to call this special place home.

While cows like me and Forrest eat a lot of food, your support can go such a long way. For example, a gift of $23 can feed three chickens for an entire month. A gift of $47 can feed six turkeys for a month. Or a gift of $55 can provide a month's worth of meals for two pigs!

I am so grateful for every meal, every hug, every breath of fresh air, and every day in the sunshine caring friends like you have provided for me here at Farm Sanctuary.

But I cannot forget all of the farm animals who haven't been as lucky as me. Right now, millions of cows just like me are stuck in a cruel, abusive farming industry. And I hope that you will help save them, just as you saved me.

Farm Sanctuary is hoping to make October 2 a day of global giving for farm animals. But that's just one week away, and so I really need your help today to reach our Giving Day goal.

Please join Farm Sanctuary right now to help us provide 200,000 meals for shelter residents like me and to make Giving Day a success. Thank you, in advance, for your support and for making sure we never again have to feel the pain and fear of an empty belly.

With love,

Shelter Resident

P.S. In addition to making a Giving Day gift today, you can also help us celebrate World Farm Animals Day by refraining from eating or wearing animal products on October 2 (and every day!)-and encouraging your loved ones to do the same. Thank you!

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Farm Sanctuary | PO Box 150, Watkins Glen, NY 14891 | 607-583-2225

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