We saw the insurrection attempt at our nation’s Capitol. We saw white supremacists storm the halls of power, looting, and terrorizing government employees. And perhaps worst of all, we heard Trump inciting and praising these insurrectionists, calling them ‘special’ and telling them they’re loved.
Enough is enough.
We can’t let this dark moment in our nation’s history go unchecked. It’s up to the House to reconvene and vote immediately to impeach Donald Trump for inciting this violent and deadly act of sedition.
The House is meeting today to debate if and when they should impeach Trump. Call your representative and tell them to hold Trump accountable for his crimes with immediate impeachment.
We must take a stand now. Yes, there are less than two weeks until Trump leaves office, but we’ve seen the damage that can happen in a single day. It’s up to us to show the world that we won’t stand for these treasonous acts. The American people and our elected officials have a duty to impeach, remove, and then disqualify Donald Trump from running for federal office permanently.
Immediate impeachment is the first step. Make a call to your representative right now.
Thanks for all you do.
Eloise and Sami Digital Team, Stand Up America