The news is disturbing but you can help by talking openly with kids
Dear Friend,
The shocking words and violent actions on display in Washington, DC on Wednesday have stunned us. At the Child Mind Institute, we’ve heard from parents who are struggling to talk to their children about events that they themselves are still grappling with. Teachers are searching for lessons to tease out of an unthinkable attack on our democratic process.
For younger kids, stay calm and emphasize that they’re safe, even if what they’re seeing is scary.
For school-age kids, give kids a chance to tell you what they saw and ask questions.
For teenagers and young adults, discuss appropriate ways to channel their emotions and fight for what they believe in.
For kids of all ages, use the opportunity to have an honest, age-appropriate discussion about how these events fit into our nation’s history.
Click through to the article to read more. When kids feel safe, proud of our traditions and inspired to get involved, it’s good for their mental health as well as the health of the nation they will grow up to lead.
Best regards,
Harold S. Koplewicz, MD President and Founder Child Mind Institute
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