Hey Amilie, Abby, and Christian,
Good talking to you last night! I wanted to share three great training opportunities in January and February with DSA that I think are likely relevant to Berkshires DSA:
- Kickstart Your Organizing training - a six-part series about member engagement and outreach tactics and when to utilize them. It's really practical information, and someone who is charged with chapter communications, runs meetings, etc. would benefit from new information and a refresher on best practices. Apply here: https://form.jotform.com/203305097066149
- Strategic Campaigns training - a three-part series about running issue campaigns, power mapping, and intentional recruitment through campaigns. The lead for any issue campaigns might find it to be useful. Apply here: https://form.jotform.com/203556595057160
- Regional New England training the weekend of January 30. I don't have the RSVP link yet, but I'll share it as soon as I do!
Let me know if you have any questions.
In solidarity,