Also Inside: New Video on IPA's Ripple Effect.
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A Girl Empowerment Program Reduced Child Marriage and Improved Sexual and Reproductive Health but Didn't Reduce Sexual Violence

Researchers: Berk Özler, Kelly Hallman, Marie-France Guimond, Elizabeth A. Kelvin, Marian Rogers, and Esther Karnley 

In post-conflict settings like Liberia, rates of physical and/or sexual violence against women and girls are particularly high. IPA partnered with the International Rescue Committee (IRC), the Population Council, and the World Bank’s Development Research Group to evaluate a program designed to help girls in emergency situations make healthy life choices, reduce their risk of sexual abuse, and improve school attendance rates. Results revealed that Girl Empower led to sustained improvements in several important domains, including child marriage and sexual and reproductive health, but did not reduce sexual violence among the participants.

Read the full summary here and the published paper here.


IPA's Ripple Effect

Most innovative and effective industries spend a lot on research and development (R&D), but in the international development world, it’s less than 0.5 percent. In this new 3-minute video, we share how investing in research on what works and what doesn't is critical for ensuring limited resources actually make a difference, and how initial investments can ripple out to make a difference for millions.

Watch the video here.


An SMS Reminder Intervention Increased Smallholder Yields in Kenya

Researchers: Lorenzo Casaburi, Michael Kremer, Sendhil Mullainathan, and Ravindra Ramrattan

The adoption of agricultural practices that can increase yields, like fertilizer application, remains low among smallholder farmers in many low- and middle-income contexts. While traditional agricultural extension aims to ensure farmers receive and act upon timely information to improve their agricultural yields, these efforts are often costly and time-consuming. In Western Kenya, researchers evaluated an SMS intervention whereby a large-agribusiness sent farmers with whom they contracted timely reminders on agricultural tasks to be completed. The SMS intervention was a cost-effective means of increasing yields, farmer revenue, and company profits. However, researchers found that the SMS intervention had no impact on yields when tested a second time on a different sample one year later.

Read the full summary here and the working paper here.


The People Behind the Data: 2020 Edition

By Mehrab Ali, Jeffrey Mosenkis, and Aimara Sanchez

IPA’s ability to collect high-quality data rests on the quality of our dedicated staff in the field. Behind every number, every result, is a painstaking process that involves traveling, searching, interviewing, entering, storing (then repeating), and eventually, analyzing and publishing. In 2020, there was a heightened need to understand how people were doing in the face of the crisis, but the means to gather data—through complex face-to-face surveys—was cut off. In this post, we share the stories of Mehrab and Aimara, two IPA staff who worked this year in different corners of the globe to help us gather high-quality data. 

Read the full blog post here.


A Phone Survey without Phones? Lessons in How to Reach Those without Access to Mobile Phones.
By Kate Glynn-Broderick

RECOVR Roundup Vol. 6: Social Protection in the Time of COVID-19
By Luciana Debenedetti, Jeffrey Mosenkis, and Rachel Strohm

Tracking Colombians’ Experiences with COVID-19: Households Face Mounting Challenges as Virus Endures
By Sebastian Chaskel, Luciana Debenedetti, and Kyle Holloway



La Republica

El Tiempo


Le Monde
​​​​​​New York Times on Developing Rohingya Muppets With Sesame Workshop in Bangladesh
​​​​​​Variety on the Development of Sesame Workshop's New Rohingya Muppets
​​​​​​NBC News on Sesame Workshop's Muppets For Rohingya Refugee Children

​​​​​​Peru's La República on Cash Assistance to Cope with COVID-19
​​​​​In Colombia, New Findings on Criminal Governance
​​​​​​In WIRED, A New Way To Distribute Aid
Le Monde Op-Ed on How an IPA Study in Sierra Leone Could Inform COVID-19 Vaccinations in France




Evidence to Impact in Crisis: How Have We Measured Up During the COVID-19 Pandemic?
January 14 | Webinar, United States


RECOVR Webinar Series | The Impact of Cash Transfers During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Africa
December 18 | Webinar, United States

RECOVR Webinar Series | The Digitization of Cash Assistance During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Colombia
December 15 | Webinar, United States

Consumer Protection Practitioner's Forum | Building an “Ethical Matrix” for Digital Finance: Beyond Black-Box Algorithms
December 9 | Webinar, United States

RECOVR Webinar Series | COVID-19 and Forced Displacement in the Global South | The Syrian Refugee Crisis: A View from Jordan
December 7 | Webinar, United States

New Directions in Graduation Research Conference
December 3-4 | Online, United States

Overview and Empirical Evidence for Confronting Criminal Governance
December 3 | Webinar, Colombia

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