There’s no time to waste.

Hey John, did you see my last message?

My family, along with 4 million people around the world, took to the streets on Friday for the Climate Strikes. The urgency of this crisis is real and the momentum is only building.

I really can’t stress this enough: There is no time to waste. Anything you can give will go directly to keeping this movement strong all over the world.

Can I count you in? Yes, count me in!

My original email is below.

John, I am writing to you for my daughters, Ramona and Gloria.

I am writing to you for the young people who are leading our movement forward, demanding justice, and refusing to back down to the false logic of greed and power that fuel the fossil fuel industry.

One day, out of nowhere, as if she’d been quietly thinking about it for a long time, my youngest daughter Gloria asked me, “can you die from climate change?” Even though I believe in science and I believe in the terrible destruction of greed and unchecked capitalism, it was right then that I realized, I wasn’t letting it in. Not really. It would hurt for a minute, it would terrify me for a second, and then I would push it away.

Every time I pushed it away, I was throwing my children under the bus instead of standing for them in front of the moving train.

(Me and my family at the NYC Global Climate Strike with co-founder Bill McKibben)
There’s no time to waste. Join me and support right now!

On Friday, my family was part of the Global Climate Strike in New York City. It was both the most inspiring and heartbreaking moment to witness. I was surrounded by young people who, much like the young activists living in my house, are facing the climate crisis head-on and demanding justice. It’s more than I have ever imagined doing at their age. It’s the next generation, the next wave, pushing us forward.

I’m so proud to stand in solidarity with these brave and serious kids, to back them up and help create the world they are demanding into existence. My generation had the privilege of putting this existential threat out of our minds once it became too scary to think about — these kids don’t. They can’t just turn off the news and hope it will all be okay, so instead, they’re fighting. They’re fighting for us in a way we should always have been fighting for them.

Will you stand in front of the moving train with me and continue this fight by supporting right now? Yes, count me in!

This is an organization that has been pushing global action forward for ten whole years, building people power all over the world to take on the fossil fuel industry and build a just and equitable world for absolutely everyone. I couldn’t be prouder of their commitment to this work.

Will you join me in supporting this incredible movement right now? There really is no more time to waste. Anything you can give today will go directly to keeping the momentum of the strikes strong. Can I count on you?

In solidarity and with thanks,
Maggie Gyllenhaal is building a global climate movement. You can connect with us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and text 350 to 83224 to get important mobile action alerts. Become a sustaining donor to keep this movement strong and growing. Looking for other ways to get involved? Check out our map to see if there's a local 350 group or event near you.

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