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A Bright Future for America

When you commit to a weekly newsletter, you know there will be times when words don't come easily. However, it's frequently those moments when it's most important to speak out. So while all of us have been experiencing a shared sense of apprehension over this week's events, I wanted to share with you what I'm thinking. 

First, I know that no matter what challenges face America, we live in the best and most free country in the world. We have faced tougher times, and like those in the past, we will survive these times as well. 
Second, I’m proud to be from Indiana. This is a state where for a long time we have come together as Hoosiers to find solutions and deliver results. Sure, we find things where we all don’t agree, but on the vast majority of issues, we come together to build on our past success. 
I have had the good fortune of working around lot of great leaders in my life...far too many to list. Vice President Mike Pence is one of those leaders. He's a man who has a strong faith in God and belief in America. And without a doubt he has shown great leadership and courage over the last four years, never more so then over this past week. 
Violence and mayhem cannot and must never be used as tools to push an agenda. Whether that's violence in Indianapolis, small town Indiana, or our nation's capital, violence isn't who we are. It's un-American, and runs counter to our republic's very foundation. 
God bless all of you. Together, we must stay engaged as we work to ensure a bright future for America. And most importantly, please say a prayer for our country tonight.  

-Kyle Hupfer
Governor Holcomb's Week That Was

COVID-19 Vaccine: Now Available for Hoosiers 80+

This week, Governor Holcomb provided an update on Indiana’s management of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the next round of Hoosiers who will be available to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Here’s a quick update:

  • Starting today, Hoosiers age 80 and older can make an appointment to receive their COVID-19 vaccine. An appointment can be made online at or by calling 2-1-1.
  • The next priority groups will be Hoosiers over age 70, and then Hoosiers over age 60. These groups will be available to receive their vaccine once an ample supply is available.
  • At least one vaccination clinic will be available in every county – 148 in total.
  • This is in addition to frontline health care workers and long-term care facility residents, who are also currently eligible to receive the vaccine.
  • More than 128,000 Hoosiers have already received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Remember, until this global pandemic is over – please continue to practice social distancing, practice good hygiene, and wear your mask. For more information, visit or

To stay up to date on the latest developments, please make sure you're following Governor Holcomb on FacebookTwitter and Instagram


Read Now: 2017-2020 Stakeholder Report

After statewide election victories up and down the ballot in 2018, 2019, and 2020, we wanted to share with you a report -- a comprehensive breakdown of how we won, and how your Indiana Republican Party will continue working to grow and positively impact Hoosier lives for generations to come.

It's our 2017-2020 Indiana GOP Stakeholder report, and you can read it all here!

--> Read the Stakeholder Report <--

Watch Monday: Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General Sworn In
Tune in on Monday – Indiana’s Inauguration Day!

Governor Holcomb and Lt. Governor Crouch will be sworn in for their second term, and Todd Rokita will also be sworn in as Indiana’s new attorney general.  While this year’s inauguration will look a little different than Inauguration Day four years ago (pictured above), we’re excited for the great government service these leaders will be delivering Hoosiers over the next four years.
--> You can view the full program here: <--

News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb finalizes South Shore Line funding
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch wants to preserve women's history and inspire others
Senator Todd Young participated in Mike Institute's Power of Ideas series
Senator Mike Braun receives a toast from Indiana's craft distilleries
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski highlights work of the South Bend Police
Congressman Jim Banks was sworn in for third term of office
Congressman Jim Baird supports COVID-19 relief bill
Congresswoman Victoria Spartz 
starts as Indiana's newest member of Congress
Congressman Greg Pence is sworn in for another term 
Congressman Larry Bucshon shares answers to COVID vaccine questions
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth talks 2021 with Greater Bloomington Chamber

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