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Just News

for January 8, 2021

News and views from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. Find more at For continuous updates, follow us on Twitter and Facebook.


NCRC Statement On The Failed Coup
By Jesse Van Tol 
An armed and deluded mob stormed the nation’s Capitol and attempted a coup. The scene itself was unbelievable, but so was the response from law enforcement. [Read More]

Why Biden Must Build Back Better Than Obama For Blacks
By Dedrick Asante-Muhammad and Tyler Bond 
President Obama promised to use the president’s power to increase opportunity for all Americans, regardless of race or class. Despite this promise, little to no progress was made in bridging Black/White inequality in wealth, income and homeownership. [Read More]

Billionaire’s Need To Pay Their Fair Share
By Suvneet Sidhu 
Instead of asking for more money out of the pockets of hard-working school teachers, carpet cleaners, nurses, construction workers and really all hard working Americans, it is perhaps time to turn to the multi-billionaires of the country during one of the worst recessions in history, and for all the days beyond. [Read More]


CRA & Race: The Federal Reserve’s Proposal On The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)
By Gerron S. Levi 
The board’s question invites a dialogue about whether and where the Federal Reserve’s framework might affirmatively consider race more explicitly. [Read More]

Hospitals Can Partner With Banks Under The Community Reinvestment Act To Create Healthy Communities
By Karen Kali and Marjanna Smith 
Loans and investments made as part of banks’ Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) activities are an important source of funding for hospitals and health systems to address social determinants of health, the physical and social conditions in the environment that influence health. [Read More]


Research Brief: Bank Branch Closure Update (2017-2020)
In this brief, NCRC Research explored the impact, as well as consequences, of the shifting in bank branch availability across the nation. [Read More]

NCRC Paycheck Protection Plan Preliminary Analysis
The analysis adds to the evidence that business owners of color and businesses in lower-income communities faced a multitude of obstacles that cut them off from the government’s COVID relief program for small businesses. [Read More]


Resources To Help Support The Black Lives Matter Movement
If you are interested in supporting Black Lives Matter, these resources may be helpful for you. [Read more]

NCRC COVID-19 Resource Page
We've compiled and are updating an index of COVID-19 resources for communities, small businesses, individuals and organizations that serve them, such as housing counseling agencies. [Read more]


HUD Exam Prep – Part I: Housing Counseling Certification Update
January 12, 2:00 pm ET - 3:30 pm ET
Join NCRC's Training Academy for a webinar to get a program overview and updates followed by a Q&A session at the end of the webinar to help Housing Counselors better prepare for the HUD Exam. [Register now]

HUD Exam Prep – Part II: The HUD Manual Updates
January 13, 2:00 pm ET - 3:30 pm ET
Join NCRC's Training Academy for a webinar to get a program overview and updates followed by a Q&A session at the end of the webinar to help Housing Counselors better prepare for the HUD Exam. [Register now]

Small Business Needs In The Biden Administration Panel Discussions
January 14, 12:00 pm ET - 3:30 pm ET
NCRC's Director of Policy Tom Feltner and Director of Fair Lending & Consumer Protection Ali Lederer will be speaking at the Small Business Needs in the Biden Administration Panel Discussions hosted by Americans for Financial Reform and the Main Street Alliance. [Register now]

HUD Exam Prep – Part III: Tips & Tools For Studying
January 26, 2:00 pm ET - 3:30 pm ET
Join NCRC's Training Academy to learn your preferred learning style so you can study more effectively for the HUD exam. [Register now]

HUD Exam Prep – Part IV: Pathway To Certification
January 27, 2:00 pm ET - 3:30 pm ET
Join NCRC's Training Academy as we guide you through the HUD certification process and discuss what you will need to maintain your certification. [Register now]

In the News

Tax Law Overhaul Could Boost Deprived U.S. Areas After Democratic Gains
By Carey L Biron, Thomson Reuters Foundation
"One of the law's biggest flaws is very apparent - there's no data," said Jesse Van Tol, chief executive of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. "We have no idea of the impact of a tax giveaway other than anecdotal. We don't even know what the projects have been." [Read More]

Self-made Black Women: The New Faces Of Small Business In Newark
By Carrie Stetler, NJ Spotlight News
In a study by the nonprofit National Community Reinvestment Coalition, which sent sets of Black and White borrowers to 17 banks for PPP money, White subjects received better treatment, including credit-line offers and encouragement to apply for the PPP program. Black women business owners fared the worst. [Read More]

Yelp Transfers $10 Million in Cash Reserves To Black-owned Banks
By Sheryl Estrad, HR Drive
Amid the coronavirus pandemic, some banks discouraged Black business owners from applying for the Paycheck Protection Program, according to a July report by The National Community Reinvestment Coalition. Disparities in small business lending have continued, the NCRC found. [Read More]

Black Voters Matter, and So Do Black Lives After Elections
By Eli Day, The American Prospect
Located near the state’s geographical center, Macon is known as “The Heart of Georgia.” It has also been a primary target for decades of social and economic policy designed to pirate Black communities. Echoing findings from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, Sheknita Davis calls Macon the “most redlined community in the nation.”  [Read More]

On Our Radar

Minority, Women-Owned Businesses Get First Bid on New PPP Loans
By Laura Davison and Amanda Iacone, Bloomberg
Community lenders serving minority and women-owned businesses will have exclusive access to a new pot of Paycheck Protection Program loans for at least two days when the next round of money becomes available, according to new rules from the Small Businesses Administration. [Read More]

White Rioters At The Capitol Got Police Respect. Black Protestors Got Rubber Bullets.
By Trymaine Lee, MSNBC
It comes down to a question of citizenship. [Read More]

Justice Dept. Seeks to Pare Back Civil Rights Protections for Minorities
By Katie Benner and Erica L. Green, The New York Times
A late move by the Trump Administration would stop enforcement of protections against discriminatory practices that have a “disparate impact” on protected groups. [Read More]

The Pandemic Disproved Urban Progressives’ Theory About Gentrification
By Jacob Anbinder, The Atlantic
The “gentrification-industrial complex” isn’t who anti-growth progressives think it is. [Read More]

To Expand The Economy, Invest In Black Businesses
By Andre M. Perry and Carl Romer, Brookings
The ability for Black people to participate in local, regional and global markets represents a dream deferred by systemic racism and discrimination. Consequently, an analysis of Black business ownership can offer insight into the degree to which America is truly the land of opportunity. [Read More]

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