
The violence and chaos at our nation’s Capital may stand as one of the darkest days in U.S. political history. Like others, I am outraged and anguished at the attempted insurrection, criminal activity and vandalism incited by President Trump.

Sadly, several of my colleagues bear responsibility for stoking and fomenting this hatred and hostile environment. Like President Trump, they have helped create an atmosphere where violence, harassment and intimidation has become normalized.

They signed onto frivolous lawsuits that threatened to disenfranchise millions of Michiganders, and signed onto a letter to Vice President Pence asking that he overturn the results of our presidential election. 

That is why I’ve asked the Michigan House Speaker Jason Wentworth to hold them accountable and not seat them in the 101st Legislature until they publicly disavow their support of unproven conspiracy theories and actions, undermining our democracy and encouraging the violent overthrow of our government.

If you agree, sign onto this petition demanding that they be held accountable and that they not be seated. Sign on HERE.

If these Republicans truly believe there was fraud in Michigan’s elections, they should by their logic reject their own election results and decline to be seated when the 101st Legislature convenes on January 13th.

Instead, there have been no public apologies or even acknowledgement from these 18 Michigan legislators that they erred, nor have there been any repercussions for their actions. They have not apologized. In fact, some have doubled down. 

This is unacceptable.

When we are sworn into office, we swear an oath to uphold the Constitution of Michigan and the United States — to uphold our form of democratic government. 

Those acting against our nation’s democratic norms and institutions need to be held accountable.


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Paid for by the Lasinski for Michigan PAC
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