The Advocates for Self-Government accomplished a lot in the past year. I have even bigger plans for 2021.
Which is why I hope to have your feedback and support today.
Now more than ever before, Americans are disillusioned by the traditional labels and our political system. This has caused a major spike in the completion of the World's Smallest Political Quiz. People want to know where they stand as traditional political labels break down.
Please review our 2020 Annual report and respond afterward.
Advocates for Self-Government
2020 Annual Report
The World's Smallest Political Quiz (WSPQ)
The Quiz is our flagship program. It has introduced hundreds of thousands of people to the ideas of liberty, self-government, and libertarianism.
I am happy to report we are seeing major increases in quiz completions.
- More than 605,000 online WSPQ completions on our website in 2020, vs. 320,000 in 2019.
- 179,000 of these quiz-takers scored as libertarian, or about 29%...most of them brand new to libertarian ideas!
New Brand
The Advocates launched a new website under new branding as we prepare to achieve our mission in the next decade. This included an updated mission and vision statement.
Furthermore, we launched new "comic-book" character illustrations to represent each political sector of the Nolan chart to attract younger audiences in our high school and college outreach.

The new website far exceeds the previous one. Here are the stats.
- Attracted 875,000 new visitors to our website
- Received 1.7 million pageviews
- Increased our content subscriber rate by over 400%.
- Acquired over 10,000 subscribers to receive updates about new programs and content that introduce the values of self-government
New Test
The Advocates launched the new Human Respect Test, our first learning module in our new Quiz Engagement Program. We are excited to continue to engage our users beyond the World's Smallest Political Quiz.
- Taken 45,000 times in the last 4 months of 2020
- Nearly 33,000 (73%) of those respondents scored “Respectful”, indicating they were opposed to the initiation of violence against other people or their property in most or all cases.
John, I want your feedback.
I have an ambitious plan to increase test completions to 1 MILLION in 2021. It will require expanding our programs into college and high schools. It will require more resources to reach people.
However, we can introduce tens of thousands more to the ideas of liberty with your help.
Can you donate $5, $20.21, $50, $100, or any amount you can generously afford? Click here to donate >>
I am looking to raise $25,000 to get this project started. You can be a part of our movement.
This isn't electioneering. This isn't the divisive politics you see every day on Twitter or in the news. Your support will go to reaching people through their own volition to expand their understanding of themselves.
I must get more support online if I am to reach this important goal. Please rush your support today by using one of the links below.