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President Trump To Release Video Message
Awaiting video message from President Trump. Will post on all of our platforms immediately.

— RSBN (@RSBNetwork) January 7, 2021

President Trump's message:

Video message from The President of The United States:


Crowd of protesters waving American flags march down a street in MELBOURNE chanting ‘Donald Trump, four more years’
Just for knowing…..freedom lovers across the world stand with us.

Turn off the enemedia, it's poison. It's all anti-American propaganda

Bizarre moment crowd of protesters waving American flags march down a street in MELBOURNE chanting ...

Intelligence Analysts downplayed Chinese Election Influence to Avoid Supporting Trump Policies, Inspector Finds
More seditious sabotage and subterfuge.

Good grief, could the timing be more transparent?

…"The intelligence community’s classified assessment on foreign influence in the 2020 election – was also submitted to Congress on Thursday"… ...

New York Post: Known Antifa members Posed as Pro-Trump to Infiltrate Capitol Protest: Sources
The GOP is dead. They joined the National Socialists Workers Party to destroy us.

— Dan Scavino (@DanScavino) January 6, 2021

Related: More EVIDENCE, PHOTOS of Antifa Infiltration At Capitol

Photos, ...

More EVIDENCE, PHOTOS of Antifa Infiltration At Capitol
Evidence continues to come in.

The Washington Times reports:

XRVision firm claims Antifa infiltrated protesters who stormed Capitol

A retired military officer told The Washington Times that the firm XRVision used its software to do ...

Tech Platforms Stampede to Silence Trump: Shopify, Snapchat, Instagram, Follow Facebook and Twitter in Goosestep
The Capitol protest is the Democrat version of the 1933 Reichstag fire which the National Socialist Workers Party (Nazis) used to seize almost unlimited power.

FASCISM: Facebook BANS President Trump

Snapchat Joins Big Tech Censorship ...

“It’s Only The Beginning”: President Trump Issues Statement In Response to Electoral Certification
The GOP is toast. That much I know.

“It's Only The Beginning”: President Trump Issues Statement In Response to Electoral Certification

President Donald Trump issued a statement through White House Deputy Chief of Staff Dan Scavino in ...

FASCISM: Facebook BANS President Trump
Zuckerberg just announced that he is suspending President Trump's Facebook and Instagram account indefinitely and at minimum for the next two weeks until after the election.

Was anyone in DC after Trump was elected? The left burned that city, ...

Trump’s Cabinet Considering Removing Him From Office, Multiples Aides Resign, Reports Say
Traitors. They try to pull a stunt like this and they'll have the whole of humanity descend on the mall.

Trump’s Cabinet Considering Removing Him From Office, Multiples Aides Resign, Reports Say

By Ryan Saavedra, Daily Wire, Jan 6, 2021: ...

Sworn Affidavit: Personnel at US Embassy in Rome Engineered Voter Fraud

This affidavit details how it was done. Given the deep, deep roots of fat-left ideologues and saboteurs in the US government, and the furious resistance President Trump ...

Jihad-Rep. Ilhan Omar To Introduce Articles Of Impeachment Following Mob Violence At Capitol
What's she so upset about? The coup is so …….. Somalia.

Rep. Ilhan Omar To Introduce Articles Of Impeachment Following Mob Violence At Capitol

By: Andrew Kerr, January 06, 2021 5:38 PM ET

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Minnesota Democratic Rep. ...

Trump’s Sons Just Officially Declared “War” On The Republican Party
The incompetent Republican Party establishment betrayed President Trump and his voters. In doing so they have turned the Republican Party into the Whig Party. As such, all of them must be primaried in 2022 and 2024. The Republican Party in it's ...

Democratic Rep. Cori Bush plans to introduce bill that would expel GOP lawmakers who attempted overturn the presidential election
Buh Bye, America.

Democratic Rep. Cori Bush plans to introduce bill that would expel GOP lawmakers who attempted overturn the presidential election

By: Business Insider, January 6, 2020:

Rep. Cori Bush said on Twitter Wednesday that she ...

Kelly Loeffler RESCINDS her objection to electoral votes after riot at the Capitol
Georgia's Republican and independent voters did not buy what Kelly Loeffler was selling. They did not see a strong conservative, who would stand with President Trump. Instead, they saw another Governor Brian Kemp. That is why they stayed home on ...

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