Dear Friend,

Yesterday was overwhelming. In the morning we learned the final results of Georgia’s Senate runoff races (thank you to the SPLC Voting Rights team for their GOTV efforts in Georgia). By the afternoon, our attention had been captured by the horror of the attempted coup at the Capitol building. I hope you may feel some measure of relief today after the deeply unsettling and dangerous events of yesterday. I would like to share the statement we released yesterday as events were unfolding.

Like you, I was both horrified by the terrorist actions of the mob of white nationalists and stunned at the stark discrepancy between their actions yesterday and the response of security forces to Black and brown protesters over the last several months. Over and over again, we’ve seen an overtly militarized and lethal response to the peaceful actions of protesters of color. The juxtaposition sharply illustrates the endurance of white supremacy and how broken our systems of policing are.

We could have predicted the events of yesterday (and many did), but we want to be clear that these domestic terrorists were stoked, incited and encouraged by Trump. Even in his video calling for them to go home, he encouraged them, telling them he loved them and that they were very special while repeating his longstanding lie that the election was stolen.

In the end, our fragile democracy did prevail. Congress returned to the Capitol to successfully certify the electoral college results and on January 20 Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be inaugurated as our president and vice president. We can take a deep breath even as we prepare for the next challenges. Yesterday marked a watershed moment that underscores the magnitude of the work ahead and how essential it is that we address and dismantle white nationalism and the racist structures that oppress so many in our nation and communities. Remember that the Proud Boys held rallies in Atlanta, Montgomery, and many other cities yesterday. Our work is urgently needed.

I am deeply grateful to be in this fight with you. You all have displayed the passion and committed support that the SPLC needs to continue our work. As we move forward as a nation, we will all continue to play a central role in demanding the respect for human rights that this moment requires. We are witnessing an unprecedented moment of peril in our nation, and we will be a part of seizing this moment to secure the true promise of equity and justice for all.

With appreciation,

Margaret Huang
SPLC President & CEO



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