Donald Trump incited a terrorist attack on US soil. While I firmly believe that most actions of consequence require time and deliberation, there are moments that require immediate action. He must face immediate impeachment by the House of Representatives and removal by the Senate.
Likewise, Roger Williams has continually exploited racism and division for his own political ends; he has mindlessly and opportunistically enabled Trump's corrupt attacks on this country and our Constitution; and he owns as much responsibility for fomenting terroristic violence as Trump. Yesterday he broke his oath to the Constitution and voted to overturn the will of millions of American voters in a free and fair election.
In siding with violent neo-Nazis, Roger Williams has once again shown that he is totally undeserving of any sinecures, titles, or places of honor. As such, he should be removed from his seat on the TCU Board of Trustees. Every Texan should immediately call for his removal by contacting the TCU Provost's office at 817-257-7101 or by email [] and demanding his immediate removal from the Board of Trustees.
It is clear that he has no intention of resigning his office. Democratic leadership in the Congress and Senate must invoke the 14th amendment and remove from office Williams and every single member who signed on to overturn the legal results of a free and fair election. Join me in calling Speaker Pelosi's (202-225-4965) and Majority Leader Schumer's office (202) 224-6542) with the following requests:
1. Immediate filing of Articles of Impeachment against Trump and removal from office;
2. Invoking Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to remove all House and Senate members of the Sedition Caucus;
3. Stripping all Committee assignments from House and Senate members of the Sedition Caucus until their removal from office.
This is an emergency. Recall that the Beer Hall Putsch was a failed coup attempt; 10 years later, Hitler was in power. If Democrats do not act without delay, Trump apologists like Williams will have a chance to spin and wriggle their way out of accountability.
Every moment is critical.
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