Dear John

We are who we are through one another; our humanity is bound up in one another. 

We all saw what happened yesterday: white supremacists and domestic terrorists invaded our nation’s capitol in an attempted coup. These actions have been encouraged by the highest office holders in our nation, reminding us that rhetoric matters and words have consequences. 

All elected officials, regardless of party or ideology, should unequivocally condemn this attack and bring both the instigators and the perpetrators of this violence to justice.

Words matter.

Actions matter.

In America we constantly decry the fact that young people are cynical about government. We know that’s false: IGNITE women are fierce champions for our democratic institutions. They want to uphold and protect the things that make our country great, they want to fight to eradicate the fear mongering and racism that make our country weak. 

After yesterday’s events our elected leaders have an opportunity to model what’s right. The question remains, what will they do?

Young women will never be able to unsee the events of yesterday. Now more than ever they are emboldened to uphold our democracy with integrity as our future political leaders. 

In solidarity, 

Sara Guillermo, Executive Director 

Anne Moses, Ph.D., Founder & President 

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