Your daily media briefing - Wednesday 25 September
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The environment secretary has said the government will not introduce labelling on meat from non-stun slaughter. The NSS has written to her to urge a rethink.
An artist's impression has shown plans for the redevelopment of a Church of England school in Southampton. The new school, which is partly being built on the
site of the old one, is expected to cost £39.8m.
A Buddhist charity in north London remains under investigation following the death last month of its guru founder and the disqualification of an ex-trustee.
Thousands of students have taken to the streets in Indonesia to protest against a "disastrous" draft criminal code that would include outlawing extramarital
New Zealand's prime minister has said social media users should speak with "the responsibility of someone who knows a small child might be listening" in the
wake of Christchurch mosque attacks. She made the remarks in a speech to the UN general assembly.
Saudi Arabia has accused the Australian government of racism and of supporting anti-Islamic terrorists like the alleged Christchurch shooter, in an
extraordinary dispute that has erupted at the United Nations.
The rum company Captain Morgan asked visitors to confirm they were 'non-Muslim' before entering its US website on Saturday. The message was quickly removed.
The company said it was put up because US users were accidentally shown a message from the UAE, where licensing laws require it.
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