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 News of the Week

How Manhattan’s Next DA Might Handle Lying Cops and Bad Prosecutors
Tahanie Aboushi is calling for independent investigations, more disclosure and a skeptical eye toward allegations of resisting arrest or assaulting a police officer.

City Needs More Bicycle Parking to Meet Surge in New Pandemic Riders, Report Says
There are 1.5 free on-street parking spaces for every car registered in the city, but just one bicycle parking space for every 116 bicycles, according to an analysis by the advocacy group Transportation Alternatives.

City Pushes Feds to Deliver More Vaccines to NYC
Mayor Bill de Blasio is asking the Trump administration for greater support for vaccine distribution, including extra doses to cover commuters to the city from other states.

People on Parole Deserve Automatic Right to Vote: Advocates
A Cuomo executive order created a mechanism for people of parole to regain their right to vote, but advocates say it is unwieldy and impermanent.

Criminal justice advocates slammed the mix messages for leaving thousands of families “wondering when their loved ones will gain access to vaccines."

By The Numbers:
NYC’s COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout So Far


City Limits’ editor Jarrett Murphy catches us up on the ongoing Manhattan District Attorney’s race. At least eight candidates are running, several of whom have announced policies that could greatly reshape the office’s role.


The 2021 municipal races are well underway, and CityVote is here to stay. 

Let us keep you up to date on all the accelerating 2021 races in NYC.


Una Ciudad sin Límites

¿Cómo funcionará el voto por orden de preferencia en la ciudad de Nueva York?
Explicamos cómo funcionará por medio de un ejemplo ficticio para demostrar el nuevo sistema en 2021 y en adelante.

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City Views

Opinions on Policy and Politics
Opinion: Does a Former Aide Have Any Right to Be Surprised by Giuliani’s Descent?
‘The parallels between Trump and Giuliani’s personalities are stark, the marriage of two men impervious to self-control, shame and disgrace. No amount of revisionism, contortion or myopic soul-searching by Frydman removes the stain.’

Opinion: It’s Time for NYS to Act on Decarceration in Prisons to Curb COVID-19
‘Cuomo has failed to implement widely accepted sound public health practices by refusing to release any meaningful number of the state’s COVID-vulnerable imprisoned human beings, and now by failing to put them in the first categories for access to the new vaccines.‘

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