Yesterday was rough. It was a stress test for our democratic republic. And we passed. But let’s be honest. It was alarming, scary, and maddening to see the United States Capitol under siege. It is the stuff of bad television and far away autocracies, not the shining city on the hill. 
The good news is we came through it. The bad news is that the threats to American-style democracy remain. So what can we do? Without your work, we wouldn’t have taken the Presidency and the U.S. Senate. Without your help, I wouldn’t be able to fight as hard as I do for our most basic and treasured values.
I’m not special. I just have this very special job. It is not at all lost on me how fortunate I am to have this obligation, and how much your support helps me to keep the flame of democracy alive. 
Know hope. 
Thank you, and may we all have a happy new year.

Captiol Building



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