
Late last night after the Capitol was cleared of the violent insurrectionists who breached the building at the urging of President Trump, Congress finally voted in a bipartisan fashion to certify the results of the 2020 Presidential election. But even after the disgusting spectacle we all watched in horror, Rep. Jeff Van Drew still joined a handful of radical conservatives and refused to accept the results of a free and fair election. 

Some things are more important than partisan politics— like truth, the integrity of our Democracy and the long term viability of our country. Jeff Van Drew won a fair and free election. I did not contest it or make up claims of fraud. I simply called my opponent and said congratulations. 

In my campaign, the main critique I offered of my opponent was that he used his time in Congress to promote his career and to curry favor with the President and special interest campaign contributors instead of doing the hard work to help people here in South Jersey who are hurting. But Jeff won the election and so my earnest hope was that he would take the message from the more than 180,000 people in his district who chose not to vote for him, and shift his focus to healing our nation and working across the aisle to get families and small businesses help now.  

Sadly, he has chosen to engage in more political theater instead of doing what he promised the people of South Jersey he would do — roll up his sleeves and get things done. What’s even worse is that he is choosing to throw his lot in with a fringe group who refuse to concede that Joe Biden is the President elect even when Trump’s staunchest supporters like Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham acknowledge the process has run its course.  

Jeff Van Drew has chosen to fan the flames and support phony conspiracy theories that threaten to do permanent damage to our democracy and our country. As a lifelong resident of South Jersey, I encourage our Congressman to stop grandstanding and start fighting for his constituents who need his help.

Amy Kennedy
Former candidate for Congress, NJ-02






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