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Dear John,

When Fresh Energy was founded nearly 30 years ago, few people were talking about climate and energy. Now there is widespread understanding that we are in a climate crisis. The challenge in front of us is urgent: in Minnesota, the Midwest, and beyond, we must achieve a major transformation toward a future that is more just, equitable, and carbon-neutral by mid-century.

With these facts in mind, Fresh Energy's board, staff, and leadership have updated the Strategic Framework that guides our work. Fresh Energy’s new mission is to:

Shape and drive bold policy solutions to achieve
equitable carbon-neutral economies.

You count on Fresh Energy for a North Star vision and the expertise to drive change at scale. Learn more about our framework, the data behind it, our new strategic imperatives, and what state and national thought leaders are saying about our strategic direction and ambition.

Thank you for your commitment to Fresh Energy, and a just future where all can thrive.


Michael Noble
Executive Director
P.S. One of our new strategic imperatives is to help more Minnesotans take action on energy and climate—and there is currently an opportunity to make your voice heard! Take a few minutes and use our easy online tool to submit your feedback to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency on Clean Cars Minnesota.


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