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The Government's exemption of public worship in the new lockdown, which started on Wednesday, is meeting resistance from clergy in areas where the number of coronavirus infections is highest.
Mathan Shunmugaraja, who is a Hindu, was called a "sly dog" by one colleague and was embroiled in a dispute with another over the use of a room in which he was mistaken for a Muslim.
Nearly half of French secondary school teachers are avoiding or downplaying subjects such as sexuality, the Holocaust and evolution to avoid angering Muslim pupils, a survey suggests.
Reporters walked out of a press event in Cologne after church officials asked them to sign a confidentiality agreement. The officials were due to discuss issues around a key report on child abuse.
China's Communist regime has become increasingly aggressive in its efforts to shut down foreign critics, including in the United States and other Western democracies.
We're looking for a digital communications and engagement officer. This is an exciting opportunity for an exceptional communicator with first-rate digital skills. The application deadline is 5pm, 18 January 2021.
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