Half a Million from Rex
Powerful people and corporations are trying to buy our Attorney General's Office. They're trying to drown us out of the race. We are not backing down.

I'm running to end the corruption in Missouri. At the core of so many of our problems is the fact that our government doesn't represent us, and that's why the Attorney General is the most crucial position in our state.

Take a look:

They want us to think this office is a "minor" one. Then why are they spending major money?

  • $500,000 from billionaire Rex Sinquefield, who wants his pet project petitions approved by the Attorney General.
  • $287,000 from corporations that are supposed to be regulated by the Attorney General.
  • All collected by Eric Greitens' dark money fundraiser who should have been investigated by the Attorney General.
Our message is resonating with Missourians of all backgrounds. Now more than ever we need an independent check on power. We need an Attorney General who will stand for Missourians, not for a corporate CEO, or the Koch network, or a billionaire.

We can have a government that works for us, that we can trust. I need you with me.

We are $17,000 away from our goal for this quarter. I'm worried we aren't going to get there. We're doing an unprecedented amount of work on the ground right now - recruiting over 600 volunteers, traveling nonstop, helping local candidates, making sure our voices are heard.

This can either be the campaign we wished got it done, or it can be the one that took Missouri where we all knew it could go. 

We have less than a week before our October 1 deadline. Proudly put your name on our list of supporters. Donate. And volunteer.
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  • We published our plan to fight scam phone calls. "It’s time for a new, smart approach to phone scams. The scammers aren’t waiting for us. We need to take the fight to them." Read our plan here.
  • A policy brief from Washington University shows that Medicaid Expansion would have huge benefits for Missouri, especially for rural and urban areas. You can read it here.
  • The City of St. Louis took a big first step to reducing violence with a community-focused deescalation program.
  • We're collecting petition signatures to ban dark money. You can sign here. Please share it!
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Tell them you're with us. Donate and put your name on our report before October 1.
Paid for by Elad Gross For Missouri
Alicia Smith, Treasurer

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