First and foremost: If you are in D.C., we hope that you are safe. Please reach out to us on Twitter @sethmoulton if there’s anything we can do to help.


Today, our nation was attacked by domestic terrorists with the goal of undermining our democracy. The will of American voters will ultimately prevail, but this is clearly a very challenging time in our country. As we all process these events together, we wanted you to hear from Seth tonight. Here are Seth’s words regarding the attack on the United States Capitol:

Trump is directly responsible for this insurrection and violence. He needs to be removed from office immediately. It is the Constitutional responsibility of Vice President Pence and the cabinet to exercise the power granted them by the 25th amendment. Or Congress must immediately impeach and remove the President for the safety of our nation.


Many of my constituents have asked me recently, “Do your Republican colleagues actually believe these extremist conspiracy theories trafficked by the president, or do they know better?”

We know the facts. What’s lacking in Congress isn’t intelligence. It’s courage. But compared to the courage I witnessed on the battlefield as a Marinewhere 17 and 18-year old Americans risked their lives to defend our democracythe political courage required to stand up for what is right and against a law-breaking president is a walk in the park.

So I implore my colleagues today to follow the courageous, patriotic example of young Americans in uniform who defend our democracy, not the self-serving example of our draft-dodging commander in chief who undermines it.


Please join us today in standing with our democracy. Add your name to join Seth in calling on President Trump to be removed immediately.

If you want to hear more from Seth, please watch his interview today by clicking here, and follow along on Twitter.

Stay safe,

Team Moulton