Pelosi won't support AOC -- we will.

In a new op-ed about Pelosi's attack on young progressive women leaders in Congress, Guardian columnist Arwa Mahdawi asks: "Pelosi should be standing up for her new colleagues – so why isn’t she?"

Can you show OUR solidarity with AOC? Get this free rapid response sticker for your car or laptop with any donation of $3 or more to our work electing MORE AOC's to Congress.

The New York Times has reported on our distribution of this sticker and our solidarity with AOC.

Our original email is below. -- The PCCC Team

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Huff Post asks, "What the hell is Nancy Pelosi doing?"

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez urged Nancy Pelosi to fight hard to undo the pain at Trump's child detainment camps. Pelosi ignored her, tried to negotiate with Trump, and CAVED disastrously. She passed (with mostly Republican votes) a bill giving billions to ICE and the camps with no strings attached. Then...

In the NY Times this weekend, Pelosi lashed out at AOC and our friends, Congresswomen Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley. She called them "irrelevant" and said they're just "four people" -- nothing more.

Not okay! AOC and The Squad have changed the entire national debate. Unlike Pelosi, they are leading the national conversation -- in a bold and inspiring direction. Unlike Pelosi, they're standing up to Trump.

Can you show solidarity with AOC? Get this free rapid response sticker for your car or laptop with any donation of $3 or more to our work electing MORE AOC's to Congress:

Turn on images to see the AOC sticker.

The New York Times reported, "Speaker Nancy Pelosi capitulated to Republicans and Democratic moderates and dropped her insistence on stronger protections for migrant children in overcrowded border shelters."

Pelosi belittled AOC and the squad as being just 4 votes against "our bill." In fact, the Times reports, "The final vote, 305 to 102, included far more Republicans in favor, 176, than Democrats, 129. It left House liberals furious...Trump called Pelosi from overseas to congratulate her on passing the border bill." Our bill?

Pelosi further belittled AOC's leadership. "These people have their public whatever and their Twitter world.”

AOC fired back: “That public ‘whatever’ is called public sentiment. And wielding the power to shift it is how we actually achieve meaningful change in this country.” She called the decision “an abdication of power we should refuse to accept.”

Damn straight! AOC is not "irrelevant." She's a true leader. She's fighting for us. Will you show solidarity with AOC? Get this sticker for free with a donation of $3 or more to our work to elect more AOC's to Congress.

We supported Pelosi as Speaker in January against more conservative alternatives. But let's not pretend she is a master strategist.

“We didn’t even bother to negotiate,” AOC told CNN, calling the bill “completely irresponsible to the American people and to those kids on the border.”

Get this. AFTER passing Trump's bill, Pelosi wrote Trump a "strongly worded letter" saying she "would deeply appreciate your soonest consideration" of concessions.

As The Young Turks' Cenk Uygur points out, "You already voted! That's not how you do negotiations! You don't say, 'Ok, look. Here's the ransom money. Now, can you please give me the person you took? Oh, you didn't bring them! Dammit, I should have asked earlier."

Nancy Pelosi is also royally messing up on impeachment. It's been proven that many voters still have no idea what crimes Trump actually committed, and impeachment would bring that to light. But instead, thanks in part to Pelosi's lack of leadership, Trump just achieved his highest approval ratings ever in ABC's poll.

Huff Post was right to ask: "What the hell is Nancy Pelosi doing?" Not leading. But AOC and progressives in Congress are. Please show solidarity. Get this free sticker with a donation of at least $3 to elect MORE AOC's to Congress:

Turn on images to see the AOC sticker.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The Progressive Change Campaign Committee Team



Turn on images to see the Huffington Post headline

Turn on images to see the New York Times headline.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told PCCC members, "The majority of Americans are with us on the policies. Americans support Medicare for All, expanding Social Security benefits, gun reform, debt-free college, and a $15 minimum wage. Bold progressive values are popular EVERYWHERE. Together, we have the people. Together, with your help, we’ll have the votes." Chip in $3 here.

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