"The Israel Defense Forces and the Civil Administration are acting in the West Bank under the orders of the settlers… the generator incident on Friday indicates how quickly our forces respond to the directive of their commanders."
Amira Haas, Haaretz correspondent for the Occupied Territories, in her opinion piece Settlers Control the Drones. The Israeli Army Then Pulls the Trigger, about the confiscation of a power generator that ended with the shooting of Harun Abu Aram, 24, who is now paralyzed, unconscious, and ventilated in a Hebron hospital.

Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.
Trump and Iran: beware a January surprise (January 4, 2021)
Q. January 3 came and went, and Iran did not retaliate against the US, Israel or anyone else for the assassination exactly a year earlier of Quds Force leader Qassem Soleimani. Should we feel relieved?
A. Yes, mildly relieved...
Q. So much for Iranian intentions. But Trump’s? Israel’s?
A. ...Netanyahu has good reason to be cautious now...
Q. Indeed, even without an Iranian retaliatory provocation or excuse, President Trump could opt to attack Iran’s nuclear infrastructure before leaving office on January 20 . . .
A. This, I submit, is the strategic question of the hour...
Q. Let’s go back a year. On Trump’s order, the US executed the precision targeted killing of Soleimani, along with the leader of Iraq’s pro-Iranian militias. Iran’s response has been meek: a missile barrage at a US base in Iraq; cyber attacks. So can the January 3, 2020 assassinations by the US be considered a success?
A. Characteristically, Trump appears to have authorized the Soleimani assassination on a whim...
Q. Now fast forward. What reality will Biden inherit if Trump does something truly extreme in the Iran arena prior to January 20? Alternatively, what will Biden’s options look like if we get to January 20 uneventfully?
A. The first contingency is difficult to predict insofar as we do not know what Trump’s ‘January surprise’ might be...

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TOMORROW - Thursday, January 7, 4:00 pm (Eastern)
Webinar: A New U.S. Approach to Israeli-Palestinian Peace with Daniel Levy
Daniel Levy, an experienced analyst and practitioner in the field of Israeli-Palestinian conflict resolution, is the President of the U.S. / Middle East Project. USMEP is an independent policy institute that provides non-partisan analysis of the Middle East peace process to policymakers in the United States, in the region and in the larger international community.
Levy is a co-author of a recent statement that USMEP prepared together with the International Crisis Group, which offers three guiding principles for the Biden administration on this issue.
Monday, January 11, 2:00 pm (Eastern)
Webinar: What to Expect from the New Round of Israeli Elections with Tal Schneider
Tal Schneider, one of Israel’s leading political correspondents, analysts, and pundits, will analyze the Israeli political arena as it heads to the March 23rd general elections, the fourth round in two years. Schneider is currently with The Times of Israel and runs an independent, award-winning political blog ("Plog").

PeaceCast Episode #164: Jerusalem First? with Eliezer Yaari
Veteran Israeli journalist and social activist Eliezer (Gezer) Yaari talks about his efforts to make East Jerusalem's Palestinian population accessible to Israeli Jews, and speculates that Israeli-Palestinian peacemakers may want to leverage Jerusalem's coexistence mechanisms as a launching point for future peace.

Peace Now's 2020 Recap Video

The video starts with a fact-checking of Prime Minister Netanyahu and his praise of President Trump and his so-called "Peace" plan, and then highlights Peace Now's activities and accomplishments from a year with a pandemic, multible lock-downs, and weekly mass protests against Netanyahu's assault on democracy and peace.

Peace Now Video: Under Threat of Eviction in Silwan

This powerful video features Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem who are among those facing expulsion from their homes. Recently, there has been an unprecedented wave of eviction lawsuits brought to the courts by well-organized and well-funded settler groups equipped with direct or indirect assistance from Israeli government agencies.
Peace Now has been closely monitoring this issue, raising awareness, and supporting legal efforts to prevent these evictions.
