Brian's been in New York for U.N. Climate Week to discuss new ways to address the climate crisis

Brian’s heading to New York for U.N. Climate Week to discuss new ways to address the climate crisis, but here’s the thing: There’s one critical solution that we can’t forget about, and that’s electing Democrats to the U.S. Senate in 2020.

Brian spoke to Chris Hayes on MSNBC about how we have to flip the Senate in order to take substantive action on climate change. If you missed it, check out the interview: 


Screenshot from Sen. Schatz's interview with Chris Hayes on MSNBC

We have to do something about climate change -- and soon. But the only way we’ll get any legislation through Congress is if we take back the Senate Majority and remove Mitch McConnell from power.

If you’re ready to join Brian in his efforts to elect Democrats in 2020 and address climate change, then chip in to help grow our grassroots organization today →

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