
House Joint Resolution 12, THE term limits for Congress resolution, was just introduced in the House!

I probably don't need to tell you that reining in the professional politicians is more important than ever.

That's why as part of our two-track strategy to impose term limits on the House and Senate we must force a vote on this piece of legislation.

Please make an urgent online donation to supporthis historic effort.

In the states we are battling tooth and nail to call the Term Limits Convention.

We don't trust the careerists in Congress so we are bypassing them with this effort.

However, we still MUST force every single member of Congress to at least take a stand on term limits.

So TODAY we are launching our national effort to force a vote.

And I need your help.

Please do what you can.

You contribution will help fund online ads in targeted states promoting calling the Term Limits Convention that will bypass Congress.

Your gift will help  pressure Congress to vote on H.J.Res. 12.

Your generous donation will help us stand up the permanent political class in D.C.!

Please make the very best donation you can to this effort.

As I've mentioned before, the American people have elected scores of term limits supporters to both the state legislatures and to Congress.

Already S.J.Res. 12 has one sponsor, Representative Ralph Norman, and 19 cosponsors!  And it was just introduced yesterday!

We can force this vote.  But I need your help.

Please make the very best online gift you can.


Phil Blumel



U.S. Term Limits
1250 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 700  | Washington, District of Columbia 20036
(202) 261-3532 | [email protected]

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