John, did you know the U.S. criminal and immigration systems have long been entangled? This creates a double punishment for immigrants through a pipeline from almost any involvement in the criminal legal system to immigration detention and deportation. 

I invite you to join me and the National Immigrant Justice Center's (NIJC) team of policy and litigation experts for our first Policy Corner online event of 2021 on Tuesday, January 12 at 12:00 p.m. CT to discuss the harmful ways in which U.S. criminal and immigration systems intersect and how we can sever this relationship to create an immigration system that treats people with dignity and respects human rights for all.

Sign up now for the event, How to Sever the Criminal Legal and Deportation Systems:

Once you sign up, we'll send you the link to join the webinar.

Both criminal and immigration laws in the United States disproportionately target Black people and people of color, which entrenches racism. The intersection of these systems exacerbates racial inequities and undermines public safety. If you'd like to learn more and what you can do to change the system, join us next Tuesday!

Here are the event details:

Policy Corner: How to Sever the Criminal Legal and Deportation Systems
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
12:00 - 1:00 p.m. CT
Virtual via webinar
Sign up here:

The Policy Corner is NIJC's monthly online event series where NIJC's policy team will bring you updates on the latest happenings in immigration policy.

I hope you can join us online for this event!

Heidi Altman
Director of Policy, National Immigrant Justice Center

P.S. Feel free to forward this email to anyone else who may be interested in joining this event, and stay tuned for other great events in the series. If you can't join us live, register anyway to get the recording of the event afterwards.


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