Today, the Congress will complete its constitutional duty to certify the Electoral College results by counting the votes that have been certified by all 50 states.


Despite the fantasies of President Trump's supporters, the Constitution is very clear. Congress does not have the authority to overturn a presidential election. The actions we will see today by over 100 Republican representatives violate the Constitution and their oaths. And they will not succeed.


Here is an overview of what's happens today:

  • Congress will meet in joint session at 1 p.m. to count the electoral votes.
  • Vice President Mike Pence will preside. 
  • We will go through the states alphabetically. 
  • VP Pence will be handed the envelopes containing the votes from each state and he will read them out loud.
  • There may be challenges.
  • For a challenge to proceed, at least one lawmaker from each chamber must object to a state's electors.
  • The chambers will then split, debate and vote on the objections. There will be two hours of debate in each chamber.
  • For an objection to succeed, both chambers must vote to sustain the objection. This will not happen.
  • VP Pence has no authority, in the absence of a vote to sustain the objections, to overturn any state's results.


My Democratic colleagues and I will vote to affirm the results of the 2020 election. We will uphold the Constitution, honor our oaths and the democratic process and certify the election results. Joe Biden will be our next President and Kamala Harris will be our next Vice President.


For the first time in what feels like a long time, we have the opportunity to make real progress. This is our chance to make a difference for the American people, many of whom are hurting. There is hope on the horizon.


I will try to comment as this unfolds to keep you informed.
