Dear John,

Only two weeks left to comment: Protect Utah’s public lands from the fossil fuel industry.

Thousands of acres of land in Utah are at risk for fracking and drilling projects. Take action now to protect our public lands in Utah.

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) wants to open up more wild lands in Utah to oil and gas operations. This will destroy some of our most iconic landscapes and threaten wildlife like the sage grouse, kit fox, short eared owl, and even bald eagles.

We need your help to protect these sensitive lands from Big Oil. Can we count on you to send a comment now to stop the BLM from handing over Utah’s lands to the highest bidder?

Comment deadline rapidly approaching. Sign now before it’s too late. Protect Utah’s public lands.

There are over 40 threatened or endangered species in Utah. A large number of rare and sensitive species depend on the public lands -- including birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, and mammals. They depend on clean air and water, open spaces to roam, and undisturbed ecosystems -- all of which are threatened by Big Oil development.

The fate of our wild places that these species depend on is in the hands of the Bureau of Land Management. Unfortunately, the BLM is set on allowing the fossil fuel industry to have a field day.

John, will you join us and demand that the BLM put wildlife and the planet ahead of the oil and gas industries? People power can win against Big Oil, but only if enough pressure is put on the BLM.

Take a stand for our wildlife and wild places. Demand the BLM protect them over Big Polluter profits.

Fracking on these lands not only endangers wildlife, but it threatens local communities as well. The water extracted by fracking has the potential to be radioactive. Indigenous communities are already disproportionately at risk from fossil fuel projects, and radioactive water will only add fuel to the fire.

Moreover, the disposal of fracked water through injection wells has proven to increase earthquakes. We can’t let the fossil fuel industry continue to devastate Indigenous communities and wild places. But without your help, Big Oil could get its hands on another piece of untouched land.

Enough is enough. Demand the BLM protect Indigenous communities from the fossil fuel industry.

Standing with you,
Nicole Ghio,
Senior fossil fuels program manager,
Friends of the Earth
